Our Teacher
In the early 1990’s, Mr. Li Hongzhi (respectfully referred to as “Master” or “Teacher” by His students) embarked on the auspicious goal of imparting the great teachings of Falun Dafa to the world. Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a practice of what the Chinese call “self-cultivation.” Falun Dafa students perform slow-moving, graceful exercises and, more importantly, apply the principles of Truth, Compassion, and Forbearance to their daily lives.
This podcast is a compilation of recollections of the early years when Falun Dafa was first taught in China. In these essays, students of the practice recall the lectures, their interactions in various situations with Master Li, and some of their personal experiences with Falun Dafa. All of the narratives in this podcast are true, personal accounts, and they will serve as a record of that precious period of history–history that is increasingly being recognized for the great impact it is having on the world.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality