LMU Europäisches und Internationales Unternehmensrecht (European and International Company Law) Summer Term 2013
by Prof. Dr. Horst Eidenmüller, LL.M. (Cambridge)
Since Jul 10, 2013 14:53 UTC
The podcast follows the course European Company, Financial Markets, and Insolvency Law (Summer Term 2013). It covers the fundamentals of European Company, Financial Markets, and Insolvency Law in an international and comparative perspective. The primary focus of the course is on the existing legal framework. However, policy issues will also figure prominently. The European legal framework will be compared frequently to other jurisdictions. Within Europe, the focus will be on the UK, France, and Germany. Comparisons will also be drawn to the legal position and the policy debates in the US.
Categories: Uncategorised
Tags: 2013, BGB, Bürgerliches Recht, Company Law, Eidenmüller, Jura, Juristische Fakultät, LMU, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munchen, Rechtswissenschaften, Sommersemester, Unternehmensrecht, Zivilrecht
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