LifeMinute Podcast
LifeMinute tv is your video guide to cool things in life: music news, movies to watch, beauty and fashion happenings, […]
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Hear more. Feel more. Be more! Come with me and dive into some great classical music. For over 1000 years great musicians have explored what it means to live, love, die and everything in between: asking all our deep and universal questions. Escape the cacophony – the noise of your brain and daily life; tune into the music, your feelings and emotions ‘good’ and ‘bad’ …and find the space, stillness and love that underpins everything. NB: May include loud noise, surprises, challenges, cacophonous racket. May cause shock, comfort, discomfort, smiles, tears, peace, transcendence. classical music Home of the Women’s World Cup of Classical Music
Categories: Music, Health & Fitness, Arts