The 920 Show
The area code of the Green & Gold. A city on a bay. The land of cheese curds. Titletown. The […]
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Direct from Italy! Follow the adventures of two Americans running a villa in Puglia, Italy, and learn all about Italian the culture, people, food and fun. Every week, we’ll share our lives with you and what life in Italy is really like especially for two Americans. From Italian recipes to travel in Italy to interviews with others who share the same Italian spirit, we’ll cover it all. So come along for the ride and discover that life is better when you put a little Italian into it.
Categories: Arts, Society & Culture
Tags: agriturismo, bike, cappelli, Culinary, evoo, expat, expats, Food, foodie, gay, Italian, Italy, life, living, oil, oliveoil, puglia, Recipes, rental, tour, tourism, travel, vacation, villa, villacappelli