Crown Council Mentor of the Month
Crown Council Mentor of the Month with Steven J. Anderson. The key to magic advice from mentors…ASK! In order to […]
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Minimalist production of original plays by MC drawn mostly but not exclusively* from Greek mythology. The first were Midas and Medea, followed by Jonah*, the crowdcasts As the Olympian World Turns and Last Gasp, MC’s Homeric Cycle, Icarus, Murph!*, two more crowdcasts An Apocalyptic Apotheosis and Orpheus. The author himself voices the dramatic readings therof** for most of these (except the crowdcasts, obviously! wherein MC’s voice can scarcely be heard which must be a relief to some!) At any rate, enjoy! * Jonah `ain’t exactly Greek, nor is Murph! ** with a few cameo exceptions of course!
Categories: Arts