Finding Our Spark
What better way to celebrate our last semester at the University of Florida and Sparks Magazine than by hosting a podcast about Sparks Magazine at the University of Florida? Join us as we have a casual but personal conversation about what it’s like to be part of the APIA (Asian and Pacific Islander American) community while diving into some interesting topics covered in past UF Sparks Magazine issues. Hosted by: Michelle Lee and Alexandra (Alex) Giang Music by: Christopher Rivera Cover art by: Mercy Tsay
They say that some goodbyes are difficult. This is one of those goodbyes. Although it feels like we just started this new podcast series, it’s already come to the final episode. So we decided to end it the way we started it: by talking all about Sparks. To celebrate the last episode and the near end of our last semester, we reflected, introduced the story topics of Issue 21, and featured some of our very own listeners. We won’t say bye until you get to the end of this episode, and if you miss us, remember that you can always come back!
IG: @uf_sparks_mag
Categories: Arts, Society & Culture