Unboxing Judaism · Rabbi Yaakov Nagel & Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe
The Unboxing Judaism Podcast is a lively dialogue and discussion between Rabbi Yaakov Nagel and Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe that helps unbox and demystify the most fundamental ideas in Judaism that are commonly misunderstood.
Categories: Education, Religion & Spirituality
Tags: 613, Bamidbar, Bereishit, chabad, Chanuka, Chanukah, connect, Deuteronomy, Devarim, Dreidel, Dvar, Esther, exodus, free, G-d, Genesis, God, Haftora, Hashem, Hebrew, Hebrews, History, houston, Israel, israeli, jerusalem, jew, jewish, Judaism, kollel, Kosher, Leviticus, Matzah, Megillah, Menorah, Mitzvah, moses, moshe, navi, numbers, outreach, Parsha, Passover, pesach, prophets, purim, Rabbi, Rosh Hashanah, shabbat, Shabbos, Shemot, Shofar, Sukkot, tanach, Texas, torah, TORCH, Tu B'shvat, Tu Beshvat, tutorial, Vayikra, Wisdom, Yom Kippur