Restoration Roundtable
by Carl Mefford and Chris Pikey
Since Nov 27, 2021 13:00 UTC
In the 3rd chapter of the Book of Revelation, Jesus describes the ”Church of Philadelphia” and highly commends the practice of their faith. That should be our goal as followers of the Messiah, as well; to walk as He walked in such a way that He likewise commends us for our own ”Philly faith”. Join us weekly as we discuss a multitude of topics related to what that walk should look like in practice, Biblically speaking. Let’s talk the walk with Jesus together in pursuit of that Philly faith!
This week we continue our “intent” series by discussing the accounts of the demon possessed man, the faith of the woman suffering from chronic bleeding, and the resurrection of the Synagogue leader’s daughter from the 5th chapter of Mark, along with a connection to what we call the Shema.
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Featured Song:
“Back to the Root” by Jordan Thomas
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
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