The Hobbled Goblin Podcast
An actual play of the Savage Tide Adventure Path, rewritten for Pathfinder 1st Edition and reset in the world of […]
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For every X-Men fan who’s wanted to get their partner into the conversation and every friend or family member who just doesn’t want to read the comics, welcome to “The X-Wife Podcast.” Justin’s wife Alicia has never read an X-Men comic and she plans to keep it that way… for now! Join as they dive in, break down and question Jonathan Hickman’s new vision of Marvel’s merry mutants on Krakoa. House of X, Powers of X, and the Dawn of X all kick off a story that’s billed as a perfect jumping-on point for new readers, but with more than 50 years of continuity that overwrites and contradicts itself, can there ever be a seamless start?