Tap into Tax
by PwC
Since Jun 18, 2020 20:00 UTC
Tap into Tax is PwC’s podcast series covering current regulatory, legislative and technology hot topics through the lens of our tax technical leaders as well as process and technology subject matter specialists. As tax department’s navigate today’s disruptive events and position your business to thrive, our podcast series will provide timely tax technical and operational updates to help you mobilize your response and recovery efforts, transition into a return to work, and set a path for the future. We provide the experience and foresight to help activate your tax strategy and become a leading tax function of the future, while moving your business forward with confidence. Hosted by Julie Allen, National Tax Services Market leader, Margie Dhunjishah, US Tax Reporting & Strategy leader, and Pat Brown, International Tax Policy leader, this podcast features discussions with some of our leading minds around Tax, trade, and domestic & global policy. Stay tuned to our regular updates and subscribe to our series to get notified as new episodes are published.For more information, visit PwC’s tax podcast series page at pwc.com/us/taxpodcasts.
Categories: Business
Tags: Accounting, business, Finance, tax, tax operations
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