“Healthy Software Developer” and similar random podcasts
If working on software teams feels complicated, frustrating, and filled with politics – that’s just because your eyes are open. Unfortunately, you do need to make a living! So how do you keep up with the demands of your tech job and still have a life outside of work? Hi I’m Jayme Edwards, and I’ve had a 26 year career in the software industry filled with thrilling victories – and maddening drama. With so many problems in our industry, the more money I made the more ridiculous people’s expectations were. I’m sharing the biggest mistakes I made in my career, and the insights I learned along the way. This podcast is the audio version of the Healthy Software Developer YouTube channel, where you can find new episodes every Monday. Podcast versions appear on Wednesday of the same week. Subscribe and join us! Let’s help each other grow a community of healthy software developers.
Categories: Business, Technology
Tags: Agile, health, kanban, LEAN, programming, scrum, software, wellness
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