Underestimate Me with Brittney Jones
Get ready for a mindset overhaul, manifestation upgrades, and full on Money Honey experience.. Brittney Ceo presents: Manifestation and Money […]
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Hello! I’m Mariana, an executive and business coach, a speaker and a digital nomad mom. Born in Brazil, raised in the US, and living in Spain eight months each year, as a coach, I have helped over 600 executives from 17+ countries and this is where I like to share what I learn. Its my creative project. 76% of my coaching sessions have been rated Life Changing / Amazing by my executive clients in the last 12 months. So I am happy and inspired and I want to share that with you.
Categories: Business
Tags: business, career, Coaching, digital, entrepreneur, Exciting, free, inspiring, lifestyle, nomad, online, remote, traveling, world