Katie Souza Ministries
by Katie Souza
Since Jul 18, 2019 18:00 UTC
Katie was a career criminal most of her life, was convicted of a number of felonies and sent to federal prison to serve almost twelve years. It was during this time that Katie began writing her first book, The Captivity Series, The Key To Your Expected End. Since then, she has completed part two in the same series, Healing The Wounded Soul along with her best selling little book, Soul Decrees. Katie has gone into prisons around the world and has ministered to hundreds of thousands of inmates. To learn more about this miraculous journey and the innumerable ways God continues working through KSM, please visit our Prison Outreach page.
This week we’re going to talk about your words when you speak offending words that sin can wound your soul and cause all kinds of mouth issues like tooth decay, gum disease, root canal issues, loose teeth, lost fillings, and an assortment of other dental problems.
Categories: Arts
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