“The Doctor’s Mentor Show: Ideal Medical Practice | Business of Medicine | Entrepreneurship | Exit Strategies | Docgitimacy™” and similar random podcasts
Before medical school you want to help people feel better. Once you start training and get into your practice,whether it is private, hospital-based, institutional, academic or corporate, you discover the distress of toxic work habits, stressed health professionals and bureaucracy. You are in danger of becoming a faceless white coat that doesn’t have a clue how to feel good! This show meets doctors and allied health professionals where they are, from medical school, residency, fellowship, practice and through retirement and helps them refocus on what is really important in life: to live, to laugh, to love and to build legacy. Get a timely dose of the skinny, skills and science doctors need for maximum vitality as leaders. You hear humor, success and failure from surgeons, radiologists, anesthesiologists, cardiologists, pediatricians, family practice docs, chiropractors, dentists, physician assistants, physical therapists, psychologists, bestselling authors, doctorpreneurs, online entrepreneurs, military leaders, lifestyle design experts, celebrities, performing artists, financial experts. From burning man to big data to biohacking, learn actionable strategies for medical practice optimization, personal productivity and professional power and influence so you implement a better practice daily. When a doctor’s life improves, those who live and work with the doctor also experience more joy, more fun, and more moments worth living. Join us weekly and find out what is possible!
Categories: Business, Health & Fitness
Tags: accountablecareorganization, alliedhealth, author, barr, BigData, biohacking, business, celebrity, chiropractor, communication, compliance, content, corporation, dicomstandard, doctor, drbarr, electronicmedicalrecord, Finance, goals, Healthcare, healthinformatics, hospital, hospitalbased, icd10, idealmedicalpractice, influence, intentions, internet, laugh, leadership, learning, legacy, lifestyle, live, loribarr, love, marketing, measure, Medicaldoctor, Medicine, mentor, Mentorship, MOC, outcomes, physician, Podcast, power, practice, privacy, productivity, Professional, profits, protege, publicity, publish, relationships, show, Speaker, telemedicine, television, visitingprofessor, Vitality, wellness
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