“The Freedom Formula for Physicians | How Doctors Cut Debt & Slash Taxes | Business Of Medicine | Financial Education” and similar random podcasts
My name is Dave Denniston. I started podcasting in 2014 as my way of paying back physicians for helping my family with our miracle child, Evangeline, who was born at a mere 12.4 ounces/ 23 weeks gestationally. Through this journey, I‘ve had the honor of interviewing Dr. Jim Dahle (The White Coat Investor), Dr. Kevin Pho (KevinMD), Dr. Pamela Wible, Dr. Dike Drummond, Dr. Nii Darko, and so many more. This is my personal podcast, dedicated to physicians. It is focused on “financial freedom” and just as importantly, how physicians can engage in healthy & a prosperous mindset! My philosophy is that we can all learn from others and who better to talk to physicians than other physicians and experts in various areas! I want to see every physician lower their taxes, destroy their debt, and enjoy a joyous, liberated lifestyle so that they can focus on what they love most- their families, their patients, and the activities that give them joy. I speak and interview folks on a whole host of issues that are important to physicians- burnout, how to protect their families, divorce, taxes, medical school debt, how to be a blogger & author, how to start an independent practice, and much more. I also occasionally speak about the resources that I am discovering. My goal is to create insightful, relevant content that you can put to work in your personal and professional life. If you are a physician- or aspire to be- then this podcast is for you! I typically post once per week, sometimes more often. Make sure to subscribe and stay tuned. The best is yet to come!
Categories: Business
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