Trapped in the Cage with Nicolas Cage
Are you dazzled and mystified by the works of America’s Acting Treasure, Nicolas Cage? Your two brotherly hosts, Josh and Alex, certainly are. So much so that they made a podcast all about the man. Every episode features a brief guest interview* with Nicolas Cage himself. Yes, the real Nicolas Cage, for sure! Join the brothers and a variety of special guest stars from poets to professional ding dongs every week as we desperately try and get un-Trapped in the Cage with Nicolas Cage. That sentence is terrible. Stop writing all this, Alex! *: Nicolas Cage is, of course, ephemeral and capricious like a trickster god, and we cannot guarantee he will appear as promised on every single episode. It’s all jokes, guys. Live a little.
Tags: Acting, actor, cage, Comedy, LeavingLasVegas, movie, Movies, NationalTreasure, niccage, NicolasCage, Podcasts, TheRock