The Rollman Revolution – An Educational and Inspirational Philosophy Podcast
by "Changing the way you see the World, and the way the world sees You" -David Rollman
Since Sep 23, 2015 06:32 UTC
Your go to source for – Inspirational, Motivational, Philosophical, Social, and at times Controversial Topics and Information. The Purpose of the show is to ignite & properly educate our World (One Internal Revolution at a time). Much of the Content presented in the Rollman Revolution is designed to “Change the way you see the world; and the way the world sees you” — Through: Informing – Inspiring & Re-Educating – people on subjects that will allow your mind to become a more aware and focused . In my opinion the only way we can break down these barriers within society today, is to HAVE these discussions and to rearm ourselves with the TRUTH, where ever she may hide herself. How is the Human race really able to know what is TRUE and So? My answer is this: When we take the time to do the research ourselves and equip our minds with both sides of the argument – cover story etc… many will be able to use the intelligence and common sense to find the answers to work for a GREATER GOOD. It is up to us, as people, to find these truths. In a world where everyone is competing for every second of your attention, it us up to us what we decide to FOCUS on and what to ignore. The Rollman Revolution discusses a variety of subjects, which will in turn stimulate your mind to generate these conversations in your life. The mission is to provide you with a message, in each episode that will give you a greater understanding over that topic. So please join me regularly for another Informative, Entertaining and Content driven episode, designed to change your life and world for the better. Namaste -David Rollman
Categories: Education, Science, Society & Culture
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