That’s Just Not OK
Have you ever thought to yourself, “…that’s just not ok?” After countless years of saying this to ourselves, we decided to bring those thoughts and questions to you….from a table with a bottle of wine or two. Your charming hosts are Kayla and Sam – both lovers of yoga, wineoholics, and total Netflix junkies. Our friendship began as coworkers and instantly flourished into doing what we do best, talking! So sit back, pop that cork, and get to sippin’ because you’re in for a real treat that’s tastier than the wine itself! You’re listening to #thatsjustnotok We would love to hear from you guys, show us some love to –> You can also check out our page on instagram and follow us @thatsjustnotok – XOXO *Intro music by @wolfjmcfarlane* “Bye Felicia”
Categories: Comedy