Too Busy For Crypto
by Steven M
Since Feb 7, 2023 19:37 UTC
Howdy! Too Busy For Crypto is a podcast for those that know or suspect that there is a fundamental flaw in our economic system. The flaw is monetary inflation of fiat currency that is under centralized control. Every year you see your food, fuel, and healthcare prices get worse. At the same time, you see GDP and the Stock Market always going up, whether or not it makes sense. When banks create money, they are stealing value from your money to give value to their new money, and all of it becomes worth less. Governments spend triple their tax revenues. Guess where that money comes from. Cryptocurrency allows us to compare good money versus bad money. Cryptocurrency is software that allows for peer-to-peer transactions without a middleman. REAL crypto is immutable, decentralized, has no middleman, and no admin keys. FAKE crypto is mutable, centralized, has middlemen, has admin keys, and is easy to spot because it often takes the form of a company. Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency. It allows for send and receive. Ethereum introduced programmable money in the form of smart contracts. HEX is an Ethereum smart contract that behaves like Bitcoin and it allows for yield generation of more HEX with no counterparty risk. You set the yield parameters, and you mint your own rewards at the end. Everything has tradeoffs, crypto is the best performing asset class in history, and it is also extremely volatile, and we expect drops as much as 95% every so often. I do not provide financial advice or tax advice or legal advice. Assess your situation and the risks to yourself. You determine your own level of involvement. I do not and I will not promote financial things based on compensation. HEX is not a company. The founder made the website HEX.COM. I like crypto, and maybe you will too. Thank you for listening!
Categories: Education, Technology
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