FDNY Smart
by FDNY Foundation
Since Oct 9, 2018 14:54 UTC
From the FDNY Fire Zone in New York City, the FDNY, FDNY Foundation and its Partners, introduce the FDNY Smart Podcast for Kids! The show brings together FDNY members, fire and life safety educators, New York City students, and more to empower all who listen with lifesaving information on a wide array of topics. Did you know Closing the Door when escaping a fire helps keep smoke and fire from spreading? It’s true and is so important. Closing doors can keep hallways and exits clear, so everyone remains safe. These winter months are when accidental fires happen most often. In thisepisodeof the FDNY Smart Podcast for Kids! we’re discussing “winter safety” and how to be FDNYSmart in your home, so you, your family and neighbors can stay safe this winter.
Categories: Education, Kids & Family
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