What’s The Raz?! Podcast
by Evan Mathison and Cal Ellis
Since Jul 13, 2020 19:00 UTC
What’s The Raz?! Podcast is a couple of young Welsh guys trying to make sense and good in a big, bad and confusing world.
Our aim is to encourage people to have open and honest discussions with friends and family to help them form healthy philosophical conclusions to the bigger questions in life. We do not subscribe to one singular ideology or school of thinking and always look to discuss and talk about both sides of any debate so we can gain a rounded prospective.
Producer and editor of WTR Podcast: Evan Mathison
Background in film production.
Writer and founder of WTR Blog: Cal Ellis
Background in theater and creative writing.
We are always open to hear feed back so please get in touch. If you enjoy the podcast then don’t forget to like it and share it!
Peace be with you all.
Categories: Comedy, Health & Fitness, Science, Society & Culture
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