Post-Traditional Buddhism Podcast
The Imperfect Buddha podcast explores the world of contemporary Western Buddhism mixing in banter with analysis, no holds barred discussion, and guest interviews. We shun Ted style talks in favour of in-depth discussion and interviews that have room to breathe. The podcast has a host site which features articles and essays on contemporary Western Buddhism, as well as show notes for each episode. Follow the link to find out more: The podcast is sponsored by O’Connell Coaching. For support with any of the issues discussed in the podcast, check out the link for an approach that is perfectly suited to Buddhists, post-Buddhists, non-Buddhists, secular sceptics, and New Age refugees. I use Buddhist tools, modern counselling and coaching techniques and practices, along with neo-Shamanic practices and models to help folks rekindle their relationship with personal-growth, development and change work or re-evaluate a relationship with Buddhism or other spiritual paths. You can leave comments at the Imperfect Buddha Facebook page or Twitter feed. Feel free to make suggestions for topics to cover and guests to interview. Our original theme tune was provided by RSD (Smith & Mighty)from Bristol, UK. Check him out at: Our new theme tune comes from Trieste and the artist Emerald Dream. Check out his work at: Original street art Buddha image by Bristol’s Banksy:
Categories: Religion & Spirituality