Max Volume: All things TV/Movies/Pop Culture
Random whimsical musings on everything from your favorite sitcoms and flicks to career analysis of the strangest stars- I’ll cover all your pop culture cravings in easily consumed 20-35 minute snack-sized podcasts. Join me as I explore: iconic television characters, which movie villains resonate generationally, the tiers of greatness in 80s action movies, ranking Tarantino quotes, debating Scorsese scenes, picking the cutest onscreen couples, discussing most effective buddy cop tandems, and giving endless TLC to every half-baked hair-brained topic that the entertainment genres have to offer!
Weird movie, insane plot, feels like a half remembered dream but MY GOODNESS DOES IT WORK! Andrew and I gush about this 1 of 1 film.
Categories: TV & Film