Smarter Than You Think
When you think about how intelligent you are, what do you believe to be true? If you immediately see the sum of your test scores and professional prowess, I guarantee you you’re only seeing a fragment of the truth God has for you. What if I told you intelligence is just as much in test scores as it is in listening to others astutely and responding to the emotional temperature of a room? The point is, there’s more brilliance in you than you know and it looks differently than you might believe. Join me, Dr. Irini Fambro, each week as we uncover a simple and overwhelming truth. You are Smarter Than You Think. Whether we’re exploring an intelligence you might not recognize or trying to incorporate it in our daily and professional lives, you won’t want to miss the convo. It’s one we all need to have. Join me each Friday!
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Tags: brain, Brain Science, faith, Intellect, leadership, relationships, science