the Emotional Clearing Process
by John Ruskan
Since Mar 28, 2022 23:00 UTC
From John Ruskan: When I started this project in March 2022, my goal was to post a year’s worth of interesting episodes about holistic psychology and the EC Process. That year has now concluded. If you have discovered this podcast anywhere after the beginning of the series, I recommend that you go back and start with Episode #1. These programs are all timeless and will support you as you work on yourself. I am not sure if/when the second series will begin. Although each program discusses an aspect of EC work, please allow me to emphasize that in order to gain an overall perspective on how to apply the Emotional Clearing Process as a radical self-therapy, I would refer you to my books DEEP CLEARING and EMOTIONAL CLEARING by John Ruskan on Amazon, and please visit the EC website for more interesting info and referrals to certified counselors if you need personal guidance. Learn a superb holistic meditative process for complete inner healing. Release painful feelings and destructive NEGATIVE EMOTIONS. Clear depression, addictions, trauma, and emotionally-based physical health issues. Make yourself impervious to outside negative forces by clearing inner negativity. Open your heart and start to genuinely love yourself. Based on a unique synthesis of Eastern mindfulness principles and Western humanistic psychological insights, the Emotional Clearing Process is a radical cutting-edge self-therapy for complete inner healing. This work was originally conceived for spiritual seekers who often uncover unresolved emotional issues on their inner journey. Each week, this podcast explores a different aspect of the work.
Categories: Health & Fitness
Tags: depression, emotional release, meditation, mindfulness, negative emotions, pain body
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