Inspired Budget
The Inspired Budget Podcast helps women live their best life and reach their money goals. Join Allison Baggerly for inspiring […]
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What would you do if you knew you would fail? What is your WHY? Do you believe in your internal value?🙏🏾🔥🔥💥💥🔥 Daily Action Plan: 1-Develop an vision board and written vision statement. 2- Develop your purpose and write it down. 3- Write 3 goals daily 4-Put everything on the calendar and schedule it. 5- What value can you bring to others?? 6- Surround yourself with people who CHALLLENGE YOU🧡💓 7- Love is the key to our Fulfillment 8- What do you think about yourself?? It is the our ultimate Superpower ❣️ 9- What are your top three Gifts 💜💪🏾💪🏾😀🎁 10- It is okay to be a Hot Mess in life❣️💓💪🏾😃Learn ❣️
Categories: Education