“Finding True Health: Intuitive Eating, Good Habits, Food Freedom, Healthy Lifestyle, Body Positivity, HAES, Wellness, Balance” and similar random podcasts
Are you ready to ditch diet culture without ditching your health?
Do you long to feel comfortable in your own skin?
Are you sick of riding the diet roller coaster?
Do you feel out of control around certain foods?
Do you just wish that creating healthy habits felt easier?
Well friend, I’m here for you! Hi, my name is Jenna Waite. I’m a registered dietitian-nutritionist, middle-aged mom, and committed follower of Christ. Although we live in a world full of diet culture and body shaming, I believe it IS still possible to get healthy from a place of peace, acceptance, and love.
I’m dishing up practical, tactical advice to help you have more energy, enjoy better moods, and avoid health-related diseases. I’ll show you how to make peace with your body so you can have more self-compassion, feel comfortable in your own skin, and have greater confidence no matter your size. And I’ll help you improve your relationship with food so you can stop obsessing about every little thing you eat and use that energy for things that matter most.
And a powerful side effect of improving your healthy habits and relationship with food and your body is that you’ll also be setting a life-changing example for your kids.
I grew up in a large body and felt so much shame about my weight for years. Even after becoming a dietitian and getting to a more socially acceptable size, I never felt my body was small enough. But thanks to some fantastic tools, along with help from God, I’ve finally learned to love and appreciate my body no matter how it looks. I’ve also felt the incredible freedom of taking my focus OFF of losing weight and putting it ONTO becoming healthy for health’s sake.
I’ve found some amazing strategies that have helped me get rid of bad habits and replace them with tons of healthy, sustainable routines. We’ll discuss topics like meal planning, mindful eating, food freedom, and much more.
With decades of education and experience behind me, I know how to sift through all the noise and false data around health and wellness. I’ll give you trustworthy information based on the latest science and research. I’ll also keep things low-drama with clean language so that you can feel comfortable listening with the kids around.
Because I embrace body diversity, I use a weight-neutral, non-diet, Health At Every Size (HAES) framework. Our bodies and lives are all very different, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to health. I firmly believe getting healthy isn’t a matter of having enough motivation or willpower, or punishing yourself to reach some arbitrary goal weight. It’s about creating realistic, sustainable habits that you can continue for years to come.
So if you’re ready to fill your life with sustainable healthy habits, all while inviting God on your journey, this podcast is for you! And if you’re looking for more resources to help you on your health journey, here’s what I have to offer:
Free Class –> Put the Struggle with Food & Your Body Far Behind You
Community –> https://www.facebook.com/groups/findingtruehealth
Instagram –> www.instagram.com/jennawaite_RD
Pinterest –> www.pinterest.com/jennawaiteRD
And if you’re ready to take your health to a whole new level, check out my signature program, “Health Through Habits”: www.healththroughhabits.com.
Feel free to DM me, or send an email to support@jennawaite.com See less
Categories: Education, Health & Fitness, Religion & Spirituality
Tags: Balanced Diet, body neutrality, body positivity, christian, coach, dietitian, food freedom, growth mindset, haes, healthy habits, healthy lifestyle, intuitive eating, Mindful Eating, moms, self confidence, wellness
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