Next Step Vet: How to Create a Meaningful Career
Are you lost as to what to do next in your veterinary career? You’ve been a vet for a number of years and have reached a stage in your career where you know you’re not satisfied and you need change. But you feel financially trapped, and you’re probably unaware of other career options, especially close to where you live. Where on earth do you even start? I’m here to help. My name is Steve Oehley and I’m someone just like you. I’m a veterinarian who struggled in my own career. Changing jobs multiple times, but no matter where I went I found myself unhappy. I noticed something – so many vets are unhappy in their career. How do you find meaningful work while still paying the bills? I signed up to life coaching, got career advice, and now have found a healthy balance between clinical vet work, podcasting and career coaching. I’ve designed a career that works for me. And now I’m going to help you do the same. I discuss my own experiences with career dissatisfaction and burnout as a veterinarian, and offers guidance and strategies for finding more fulfilling work within the field. This podcast aims to provide a realistic and achievable framework for veterinarians to take the next steps in their careers and to design a career that works for them. Based on principles of life coaching, the best career advisors in the world, and vets that have already taken the leap. This is Next Step Vet. Join us on our journey to a more enjoyable life.
Categories: Business, Education, Health & Fitness