Karma Talks
by iOM Radio Network - OMTimes
Since Feb 3, 2017 17:00 UTC
Join Tammy Adams, Intuitive Life Coach & Spiritual Healer, as she teaches, empowers, and guides you on an intuitive level. She will help you to become open to the often hard-to-face reality of your past karma that has carried into your present-day core problems and blockages. Tammy is here to deliver the messages from our Angels. Every show delivers the information that the Angels need you to receive.
There is a vast amount of misinformation in the media and the internet concerning the spiritual realm. Such as the meaning and differences between Angels, Spirit Guides, twin flames, soul mates, past lives, karma, vortexes, extra-terrestrials, planetary alignment, numerology, etc. Tammy is here to clear-up the confusion. She will tell you the spiritual meaning and significance behind current events such as politics and the Earth’s climate changes. When it comes to the universe and God, Tammy is a wealth of complex knowledge.
She’s here to help you to start learning the truth. Tammy will teach you how you can begin or enhance your spiritual practice. She will lead you in guided meditations; giving you the tools to start understanding your own soul, spirit and body.
What is karma? Is karma real or imagined? Can you “clear up” bad karma from your past? How?
All these questions and more will be addressed by Tammy through her gifted communication with the Angels and her spiritual skills.
Listen to Karma Talks LIVE every Wednesday at 12:00 PM ET on OMTimes Radio http://omtimes.com/iom
Categories: Health & Fitness, Religion & Spirituality
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