Hearts and Other Sex Parts
by self love is the best love
Since Mar 15, 2017 03:00 UTC
Hearts & Other Sex Parts is a podcast hosted out of Portland, Oregon by Keely C. Helmick, Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) specializing in relationship counseling, sexuality and gender and Stella Harris, sex coach, author and sex educator. Both of the hosts identify as queer, cis-women, and will dedicate themselves to ensuring that the podcast is inclusive and a safer space for all members of the LGBTQ community, people of color, all genders and gender non-conforming individuals, differently abled people, and all relationship types. Each episode will typically feature expert guests, authors, counselors, artists, and influencers of the community to provide a platform for listeners to hear shared experiences and knowledge on topics that are potentially uncomfortable for mainstream media (especially as it relates to S E X). Your hosts encourage you to stay open and remember Self Love is the Best Love. https://www.gofundme.com/35umtu8t
Categories: Society & Culture
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