Can I Change Your Mind?
“Can I Change Your Mind?” is a devotional podcast featuring the teaching of Pastor Cedric Barnett, founding director of WJIC Media Ministries of Prattville, AL. The podcast is based on Romans 12:2, which advises us not to be conformed to the world’s standards, but to be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of our minds with God’s Word. In his trademark humorous, irreverent, but Biblically-sound manner, “Pastor Ced” guides us through the transformation process by challenging long-held traditional religious norms, and using the Word of God to challenge us to think anew about what God’s Word actually says, and prepare to act upon what we discover.
In 2023, “Can I Change Your Mind?” was awarded the 2023 Spin Award for Blogtalk/Spreaker Podcast of the Year, and “Pastor Ced” was honored as the Blogtalk/Spreaker Podcaster of the Year.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality