“What is Judaism?” and similar random podcasts
The fully comprehensive series on all the elements of Judaism: the religion. The Average Rabbi teaches the complete framework to Joe, a real, new student of Judaism. Join Joe on his journey as he explores the ancient path for the first time. Whether you are a fresh beginner like Joe, or raised in the orthodox faith, this series will provide you with the knowledge to answer the questions, “What’s the Jewish take on…?”, “Do Jews believe in…?” and ultimately, “What is Judaism?” This series is based on the 300 yr. old text The Way of God written by scholar/mystic, the Ramchal.
Categories: Education, Religion & Spirituality
Tags: 613, Bamidbar, Bereishit, chabad, Chanuka, Chanukah, connect, Deuteronomy, Devarim, Dreidel, Dvar, Esther, exodus, free, G-d, Genesis, God, Haftora, Hashem, Hebrew, Hebrews, History, houston, Israel, israeli, jerusalem, jew, jewish, Judaism, kollel, Kosher, Leviticus, Matzah, Megillah, Menorah, Mitzvah, moses, moshe, navi, numbers, outreach, Parsha, Passover, pesach, prophets, purim, Rabbi, Rosh Hashanah, shabbat, Shabbos, Shemot, Shofar, Sukkot, tanach, Texas, torah, TORCH, Tu B'shvat, Tu Beshvat, tutorial, Vayikra, Wisdom, Yom Kippur
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