You Already Know.
by Mariam Al Kindi
Since Dec 22, 2022 15:00 UTC
This podcast is about freedom. How to achieve it, and what to do with it. Even though many of us think that doing and being whatever we want will make us happy, that’s not often the case. We’ll be more likely to be pleased and fulfilled when we are aligned with what we were created to do and be. I’ll share tools and mental models that can be used as flashlights to navigate the uncertainty that comes along with having choices. Some questions we’ll explore are: 1. how to live in harmony with yourself, your family, your community, and nature 2. how to avoid false freedoms that eventually limit your true freedom 3. How to choose your priorities and manage expectations. I trust that we will be divinely guided, divinely protected, and divinely loved in this journey. If you want to believe in yourself, others, God, the organizations you are a part of, the causes you choose, and whatever is meaningful to you, this podcast is great for you. Welcome to the beautiful experience of believing and achieving.
Categories: Society & Culture
Tags: faith, girls, how to, islam, lifestyle, love, muslim, self help, Self-Improvement, spirituality, Wisdom, women
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