Hendershot Gallery’s Podcast
by Hendershot Gallery
Since Jan 26, 2010 19:08 UTC
Hendershot Gallery’s seeks to utilize the combination of exhibition and artist management to create relationships between artists, collectors and the public at large. Hendershot Gallery is a New York Based gallery that offers a various range of programming in the arts, and a wide range of commercial and fine artists. Hendershot Gallery 547 West 27th Street Suite 504 New York, NY 10001 212.239.3085 http://www.hendershotgallery.com [itunes pic]
MODERATOR: Michael Wang PANELISTS: Diana Balmori, William O’Brien Jr, David Ruy, Allan Wexler, and Alisha Wormsley. In celebration of the closing of our collaborative exhibition, Architecturally…/works on architecture and space, we invited this distinguished group of architects, designers, professors and artists to discuss the works on view. artist: Ella Ben-Aharon, Edo Ceder, Molly Dilworth, Merav Ezer, Interboro: Tobias Armborst + Daniel D’Oca + Georgeen Theodore, Bess Krietemeyer, Alois Kronschlaeger, Matthias Neumann, Graham Parker, Adi Shniderman, Eirini + Dimitra Tsachrelia in collaboration with Yoichiro Mizuno and Jason Varone Architecturally… is a project by James Hendershot organized and conceived by Matthias Neumann and Alois Kronschlaeger presented by Hendershot Gallery.
Categories: Arts
Tags: art, artist, gallery, Heidi, hendershot, james, lea, muses, painters, prenevost, Studio, talks, visits, With
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