The State Versus Me
by Juan Lito Valladolid
Since Dec 31, 2019 09:00 UTC
My personal journey to recovering from a broken legal system at the hand of God. In a system where “Discretion” supersedes “Due Process” no one has a chance at a “Fair Trial.” Hence why most people feel pressured to plea “Guilty” before the “Risk” of exaggerated sentences. My personal recordings are made home and are raw unedited sessions of me describing my journey, and the experience. Part of that experience is the amazing way God found me while incarcerated, and he has not let go. The very worst thing I could have gone through, I survived. I welcome you to listen to my side of the story. Since no one involved in my case bothered to record my side of the story for the court record. I share it with the world. I wanted to create a platform where I can express the truth about what I went through with the legal system. I kept notes, filed formal complaints, escalated to the highest levels. no one bothered to take them serious. When I started filing Civil Complaints against Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. The detention officers began to get creative with their ways of abusing their power.You will notice that after episode 7 I change the tone, and focus. I wanted to start using some of my airtime dedicated to reading some scriptures from the Holy Bible. You can easily identify the type of episode it is by the Episode Cover art. If it’s legal it’s the image of my wounded face, and if it’s Jesus it will have an image of the Holy Bible. And FYI I use to consider myself an Atheist when I was younger. Because of all my small minded thinking, I allowed others to tell me what the word of the Bible said and meant. That was the first mistake, I can’t believe I allowed people to let me think that our God wouldn’t love me because I’m Gay. Shame on them, God loves every single one of His children. Even the one’s we struggle to embrace, well kind of like me. Please join me while I share my experiences with the law of man, and the law of our Father God. You wont agree with everything I say, but I pay for the time so oh well…lol If you have any questions about the Episodes please feel free to reach out via my Faceook Page @TheStateVersusMe.
Categories: Government, Religion & Spirituality, Society & Culture
Tags: America, Arizona Law, attorneys, Bible, civil rights, constitutional rights, criminal justice, due process, Freedom, God, government, Human Rights, injustice, judges, Judicial System, justice, law, lawyers, legal, Politics, religion
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