The Busy Vibrant Mom Podcast – Motherhood and life hacks to unlock joy and help you love your every day
Having trouble fitting in a part time job and being a mom? Do you want to have more time to […]
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Deepen your connection with yourself. Strengthen your connection with others. Author and teacher, scholar and thinker, Dr. Adela Sandness invites you to join our conversation about mindfulness, power, relationships, leadership, gender, the body and how we live in it. She brings ancient wisdom and her depth of mindfulness practice experience – along with stories, humour, compassion, care and a healthy dose of common sense – to help us rediscover ourselves and our relationships and re-think together today’s world. Subscribe now: Just Breathe….You Are Enough™ is a gift you give to yourself.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality, Health & Fitness