2 Bros Bible Study
by Henry and Justin
Since Mar 8, 2021 05:57 UTC
Both Justin and Henry love learning the Bible and they wanted to enjoy that fun with everyone on the internet!
About the hosts:
Henry and Justin met at a Bible study at their local Baptist church and have been friends since 2015. In 2020 they decided to take their Bible study online with 2 Bros Bible Study. Henry has 5 years of experience in teaching the Bible to youth among other ministry efforts while Justin has 9 years of experience in teaching the Bible to adults and children among other ministry efforts.
Justin also has a Masters in Cross-Cultural Ministry; Henry is a bum who started this YouTube channel as an excuse to learn more from Justin.
Message from the hosts:
We ask for grace from our brothers and sisters in Christ as we seek to interpret the Bible faithfully. There are some parts of the Scriptures and the theological concepts contained in them that can be difficult to explain with certainty. We understand that teaching God’s Word with carefulness is extremely important (James 3:1). Studying the Bible has been and continues to be a top priority for us and that is why we take this role very serious while humbly asking for understanding as we continue to explore the profound depths of Scripture. While the Bible does have some parts that are hard to understand the overall message of Scripture is very clear and easy to understand which is that the holy triune God created all of existence but the human race sinned against Him, which caused a severed relationship, and because of His love He has provided a way to restore that relationship through faith in the Person and work of Jesus Christ on the cross (John 3:16).
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
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