NOCTURNAL TRANSMISSIONS : short horror story podcast
by Horror Enthusiast, Voice Actor, Podcaster - Kristin Holland
Since Apr 26, 2017 14:13 UTC
NOCTURNAL TRANSMISSIONS is a fortnightly short story podcast featuring masterful performances of dark tales, both old and new, by voice artist Kristin Holland. If you enjoy playful, chilling, compelling narrations of horror stories, this is the podcast for you. You can support us (and access lots of exclusive content) by becoming a patron at scary stories, dark tales, haunting poetry, classic horror, modern horror, the macabre, the terrible, the sublime – come and get them while they’re hot.
Categories: Fiction
Tags: audiobook, avoicefromdarkness, chilling, chillingtalesfordarknights, classichorror, classicliterature, cosmichorror, creepy, creepypasta, darktales, dramatisation, edgarallanpoe, evilidol, gothic, Holland, horror, horrorstories, horrorstory, kristin, kristinholland, Lovecraft, lovecraftian, macabre, narration, nocturnaltransmissions, poe, saki, scary, scarystories, sciencefiction, scifi, shorthorrorstories, shorthorrorstory, shortstories, Stories, sublime, Terror, voiceacting
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