Be Careful Who You Have Kids With!
Be Careful Who You Have Kids With! is a podcast that shares important information about co-parenting while adding some fun along the way. While the information we share would be helpful to any co-parent, our podcast is specifically guiding our community on how to treat one another and, more importantly, how their actions impact their children. If you are wondering what we know about co-parenting…Janella has provided psychological services in family court cases for more than 15 years. Shamont has been a Child Custody Recommending Counselor for California Superior Court for more than six years and worked for Child Protective Services for several years before that. Sep is the mother of an 11-year-old who has been successfully co-parenting for almost a decade and has mastered the art of having a healthy but separate partnership with her daughter’s father. We share information about co-parenting based on our experiences and expertise with the subject.
Categories: Education, Health & Fitness, Kids & Family