Late Night With Chefs Podcast
by Late Night with Chefs
Since Nov 9, 2020 00:00 UTC
Hello there! My name in Doug Cox. Myself and my culinary school partner, Vlad a.k.a the one and only Truffle Boy created Late Night with Chefs during the early onset of COVID-19. We had one goal in mind; bring a sense of connectivity to an absolutely ripped apart industry. It is no surprise to anyone anymore that the F&B industry as a whole got rocked during the COVID-19 pandemic. Myself and many other lost jobs and had to pivot very quickly and with great levels of uncertainty. We had an idea one night at the Green Mill to start documenting Chefs COVID pivots but also their life stories. We quickly learned that Chefs from across the globe shared similar experiences and life lessons taught over a flame. This is something to cherish and we are honored to continue to listen to Chef’s and industry hero’s stories about their personal journeys through our beloved industry. Your patronage (pun intended) will help us continue to fund the monthly costs of running a podcast (ie. equipment, software, & advertising) and is extremely appreciated by us, future listeners and story tellers of LNWC.
Categories: Arts
Tags: California, chefs, Chefs podcast, Chefs talk, Chicago, cooks, Florida, foodie, Guest Chefs, Industry podcast, new york, Podcast
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