This Day in History Class
From the desk of “Stuff You Missed in History Class,” “This Day in History Class” quickly recounts a tidbit from […]
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Homestead podcast where the conversation revolves around the value of tradition; traditional food prep and storage, traditional cooking, and of course, traditional artisan CHEESE. Topics discussed here are designed to create new perspectives and possibilities for how you might add the taste of tradition to your life. My husband and I work a small farm and are building a farmstead creamery. We practice sustainable living and produce farmstead and artisan cheese, hand-made in small batches. You can find more information at
Categories: History, Society & Culture
Tags: artisancheese, farmsteadcheese, grassfedbeef, grassfedgoat, grassfedlamb, handmadecheese, Homestead, lifecoach, SustainableLiving, tradition, Wisdom