Welcome to Texas with Bill Ingram
Stories of history, life and faith in the Lone Star state.
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Greetings, This is now the location of Schism206 audio archives along with the P2BP podcast. You can gain access to everything for $30 per year, which encompasses over 600 audio recordings on a wide variety of topics. Link to sign-up: https://tinyurl.com/4azrkpsh View links for all content: https://tinyurl.com/rxnd6pzr Sorry, Podbean recently got rid off many useful organizational features. As a result, the above link (“for all content”) is the best way to see all the content and access links to individual episodes. Visit the website to contact me with any questions or to sign up for plans with video access: https://www.rockstaresoterica.com
Categories: Society & Culture, Religion & Spirituality, History