Go Vegan Scotland
by Go Vegan Scotland
Since Sep 18, 2018 00:00 UTC
Go Vegan Scotland is a grass-roots, vegan, volunteer group, working to promote veganism in Scotland through advocacy, education and information sharing. We will share audio recordings of our talks via this pod cast channel. Our main activity is regular vegan information stalls, which we hold in Edinburgh and Glasgow a number of times a month, with pop-ups stalls in other towns and cities in Scotland. At our stalls we talk to people about our relationship with other animals, about what it means for other animals that we use them, encouraging them to see the moral issue. We have hundreds of conversations on our stalls, ensuring that everyone we speak to is left in no doubt that the only answer, if they think animals matter, is to go vegan. They take one of our leaflets, which reinforces what we’ve discussed and directs them to our web site for more detail and useful information on how to live vegan in Scotland. We are hoping to build on our pop-up stalls to set up regular GVS vegan information stalls in other towns across Scotland, helping local vegans to get started and supporting them with their advocacy. It’s essential that people living outwith the central belt also have access to information and support. Veganism is for everyone and we make our stalls as accessible as possible by holding them on the high street. This means that anyone who is interested can approach to learn more about why we are there, without any payment barriers. We meet a really good cross-section of people, all ages, backgrounds and levels of awareness. We are keen to do more to reach different communities. Our focus is on person-to-person conversations, through our stalls and our other events (film nights, talks etc) all backed up with online information and support. We have our own website, which explains why we should all be vegan and how to live vegan, with a particular focus on Scotland (vegan menus at Scottish restaurants etc): www.goveganscotland.com, which we encourage vegans in Scotland to refer people to in their day-to-day vegan advocacy. We have a very active Facebook page (/goveganscotland), Instagram and Twitter (@goveganscotland), where we share useful information on living vegan and help people with any queries they have / challenges they’re facing. We also have a YouTube channel, where you can find our talks / presentations. We don’t promote anything less than veganism (vegetarianism, baby steps, reduction, “higher welfare”, single issues etc). Animals are alive in the same way we are, they feel, they have interests and experiences and they want to live. Therefore, we should never use them as resources. The only way we will see an end to animal exploitation is by promoting veganism. Anything else confuses the issue, encourages the view that there is a right way to use and kill animals and does nothing to challenge speciesism. Our approach is always to explain in clear terms why we should all be vegan, as a matter of morality, but we are also supportive and encouraging. If you would like to get involved please see our pinned post on volunteering with GVS. We’re all volunteers, there are no jobs, no salaries, no expense budgets. We all give our time and effort towards the promotion of veganism because it is the least we can do when animals are being exploited and killed in their billions. You can also support us by purchasing from our store: https://www.goveganscotland.com/gvs-support-store Thank you for your support If you’re not already vegan, please go vegan. It is a matter of justice. www.goveganscotland.com
Categories: Society & Culture
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