Rabbi E in 3
by Rabbi Yosef Edelstein
Since Nov 24, 2020 18:00 UTC
Get ready for a short burst of Jewish wisdom! My name is Rabbi Yosef Edelstein (“Rabbi E” for short), and I have been a Jewish educator for many years. I share insights from Jewish sources that help can help us become better people (and Jews) in our daily lives. I grew up the son of two doctors, and while I didn’t choose that path professionally, I do hope that these short episodes (from 3 to 8 minutes roughly) will administer a safe and powerful dose of “spiritual medicine,” in a friendly and casual way! Currently, I am the Director of MEOR DC, that brings Jewish inspiration to university campuses in the nation’s capital. (Check out the MEOR DC Facebook and Instagram page.) You can be in touch with me at yosef.edelstein@gmail.com, or through Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/rabbi.edelstein, or Instagram: https://instagram.com/rabbiedelstein or https://instagram.com/rabbiein3. You can also connect with me via MEOR DC, the organization I direct DC: https://www.facebook.com/MEORDC and www.meordconline.org.
Categories: Education, Religion & Spirituality
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