Best Picture This
Join Mike and Brian as they reevaluate the top films and Academy Awards nominees from 1999-2009 (plus a whole lot of bonuses), talk trivia and top fives, and address the big question: “Would you keep or kick the Academy’s picks for Best Picture?” All that and more on Best Picture This — where it’s always Oscar season!
Categories: TV & Film
Tags: AcademyAwards, americanbeauty, bestdirecting, bestdirector, bestpictureaward, bestwriting, blockbuster, cinema, cinemahistory, cinematography, cultclassics, dicaprio, film, filmcriticism, filmmaker, Filmmaking, filmpodcast, filmreviews, filmsof2000, gladiator, Indiefilm, moviepodcast, moviereviews, Movies, moviesof1999, oscarnominees, Oscars, oscarwinners, russellcrow, sammendes, scorsese, screenplay, shyamalan, soderbergh, thesixthsense, VisualArts