Digging deep into vinyl bins, mp3s, cassette tapes and even old movies, FORBIDDEN CITY PODCAST brings you the Strange, the […]
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The best songs from Country Music Stars. This podcast is a mixture of old school country with a sprinkle of new artists. We have the best of the best of non-stop Country Classics from the best artists around. Welcome to Country Times Podcasts – where we play good ole country music by the best hit makers you don’t hear often unless you pitching a hissy fit telling your youngling who can’t carry a tune in the bucket to turn the station to some good Down Yonder music.
I tell you, Dr. O’s Podcast will have you grinnin like a possum eatin’ a sweet tater.
So if you wanna sing happier than ol’ Blue layin on the porch chewin on a big ol’ catfish head, give us a listen. Yall will come back.
Categories: Music