Get Started Investing is all about helping beginner investors break down barriers.
We cover ALL the basics that you need to start your investing journey. We unpack all the jargon and confusing bits, hear your investing stories, with the goal of making investing less intimidating – and we want to have a good time along the way.
It’s another in our series of mistakes – the ones we’ve made, and how *not* to make them again! This week, we’re going to look at the reasons why we keep making these mistakes – known as cognitive biases. A cognitive bias is a systematic error in thinking that occurs when people are processing and interpreting information in the world around them. Unsure about that definition? Basically—our brains aren’t perfect. They often make mistakes when taking in information from the world and trying to make sense of it. A cognitive bias is a term for these mistakes our brains often make.
The books that Alec and Bryce were talking about: Thinking, Fast and Slow and The Undoing Project. If you want to let Alec or Bryce know what you think of an episode, contact them here.
Some of our favourite resources and offers to help you during your journey:
– $50-$200 OFF someamazing investing courses by our friend-of-the-show, Owen
– Track your investment portfolio withSharesight.
– Get a free stock when yousign-up to Stake, using the code EQUITYMATES
– Get exclusive access to our favouritedata and insights platform, TIKR
– Take the emotion out of investing in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Gold and Silver withmicro-investing app, Bamboo. Use EQUITY MATES for $10 when you sign-up
– Get $15 of Bitcoin, using one of ourfavourite crypto-currency exchanges, Swyftx
– Get free trades if you plan to use the brokerSelfWealth
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Categories: Business, Education