There Will Be a Time of Trouble & Persecution of God’s People
by Household of Israel Temple of Jesus Christ
Since Feb 1, 2014 17:14 UTC
During the month of February we celebrate the Feast of Purim, looking towards the day of victory that all of God’s saints will have over their enemies. We often refrain to the historical lesson of Queen Esther who lived in the days of captivity during the Medes & Persian empire. She and her people, Israel, were surrounded by an alien nation and through the wicked devices of Haman, were set to be completely destroyed. In the last days, the children of God will be in even greater danger but God will ultimately help them overcome and get the final victory over sin and death! Here are some key facts you should know about the time of trouble and the last days of this earth.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Tags: Judah, last_days, lion, Man, persecution, purim, sin, trouble
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