Our School Matters
by Richland County Voices
Since Mar 22, 2023 13:20 UTC
Our school is Richland County High School, in Olney Il. We’re a small rural school in Southern Illinois. We want to know why our school matters to people that are most directly tied to it: the students, teachers, admin, and staff of Richland County Community Unit #1. We will discuss topics such as how we learn, bullying, identity, AI, and many more.
Your teacher host, Mr. Ryden, interviews teachers, administrators, and staff from our district. We will release one of those interviews every Monday to start your school week. Your student host, Sophia Ranes, interviews students of RCHS, and we’ll release one of those each Friday to kick off the weekend.
Join us twice each week for a projected first season of 10 weeks. Follow us as we journey through the tail end of another school year of prom, finals, graduation, and dealing with the different matters that arise in the daily life of those in public education.
But most of all, always remember that our school matters!
Categories: Education
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