Department of Social Policy 2013-14 Centenary Lectures
by Oxford University
Since Feb 26, 2014 13:23 UTC
In the academic year 2013-14, the department celebrated the centenary of its establishment as Barnett House in 1914. Initially independent from the University, Barnett House moved into a closer relationship with the University and eventually became a department. We celebrated – and continue to celebrate – 100 years of rich history: Barnett House has played a significant part in many of the key debates in the history of voluntary endeavor, social policy, and social research in Britain. Alumni have held or hold prestigious positions in academia, the professions and public service, nationally and internationally. Throughout the year, we held a number of events, including a special Centenary Seminar Series and the Centenary Alumni Lecture, which are available on this page.
Categories: Education
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